Some DNS Tips

Several times in just the past week I've had to deal with DNS entries that have made things a touch more painful than they should have been so I thought it might be time for me to jot down a few notes on how DNS should be configured to save IS people's sanity!

First up the DNS servers themselves. You should always have a primary and secondary which generally, speaking are two different DNS servers at your ISP's location. If two are not available you should consider switching ISP's. Personally, I use three. Two from my ISP and one from This way, should the ISP change for any reason and/or should access be denied to the ISP's DNS servers I've got a third, totally separate service available to me.

Next up, A records. These should always point to the IP address of the server in question and they should always use the hostname of the server. Sure, this can lead to some unfriendly names but it's really handy to know the proper hostname of the server. If you want to use something 'pretty' then use CNames. When you create the A record make sure the PTR record is also created in the reverse look up zone. This way, when you are trying to work out what physical server a CName is all you have to do is a reverse lookup against the IP address.

MX Records should also have two internal/DMZ based mail servers which they can deliver to and a third at the ISP which can retry delivery to your internal servers at a later date.

These are simple tips and they (or variants of them) can be found as best practice advice for standard DNSOpenDNS.