Company Takeover

The company where I work has just been taken over by a much larger organisation. I'm not going to say where I work for now as enough has been plastered over the technical press but I'll have a few things to say on the matter much later on.

It's an interesting time for both good and bad reasons. Obviously the economic problems have hit both companies hard so the usual bans on travel and overtime have come into force. This presents a problem for us IT Department types who have been given a lot of work to do around the integration and are going to have to take time off in lieu for it. At the end of the year I think they will have many staff out as they will have leave that they will have to take. Hell, they will probably buy it off us!!

The current plan is to re-ip all the devices as the company that has taken us over use the same IP range as we do and this is right on the back of recently relocating them all to new data centres do yet more out of hours work and then fixing things that break.

The Chinese have a curse "May you live in interesting times